特德寶有限公司致力於為健康飲食愛好者們提供優質食品、油品與保健食品。 旗下代理的品牌與產品蒐羅自世界各地,不論品質或是價位皆是一時之選。 提供講究生活品味的顧客們,我們引以為傲的多元飲食文化。 分享「簡單、健康、美味」的飲食理念,為顧客帶來更健康的生活體驗。 開動囉! 祝您胃口大開!
Turtlepaw Ltd. is a fast-growing importer and distributor of fine foods, specialty oils and health supplements. The products that we sell and the brands that we represent are sourced from around the world and among the best in their class in terms of quality and value. We only bring to you, our customers, products that we are proud of - simple, wholesome delicious foods for a healthier lifestyle. Bon Appétit!
